Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (2024)

Find a swap for sauces, risotto, and more.

By Anikah Shaokat
Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (1)Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (2)

Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

White wine isn’t just for sipping, you know! It can also be used to deglaze pans, steam seafood, and bring together unexpected flavors. That's why it's a key ingredient in risotto, sauces, and more. In fact, Ree Drummond uses a few splashes in the cream sauce for her Pasta Primavera and her Spinach and Mushroom Stuffed Shells!

But what if you're in the middle of making a recipe that calls for white wine...and you suddenly realize that you don’t have any handy? Luckily, there are some great white wine substitutes out there (all non-alcoholic!)—and you probably have many of them in your kitchen already.

Before you pick a swap, though, be sure to read your recipe closely and determine what flavor and acidity level make the most sense. For example, if you’re cooking a delicate fish, apple cider vinegar may not be the best replacement—it can be too assertive and sour. And if you're making a simple, wine-based pan sauce, water is probably not your best swap. It won't add any flavor at all! But don't worry: This list of white wine substitutes covers all the bases. Find the right swap, and you'll be on your way to achieving optimal deliciousness without the wine.


Lemon Juice

Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (3)

If you’re looking to add acidity to a dish without any alcohol, lemon juice is a great option. It's especially helpful when it comes to deglazing a pan and getting all the goodness out of those crispy bits! However, note that this isn’t a 1:1 swap—you’ll want to dilute the lemon juice with equal parts water to prevent your dish from tasting too acidic or bitter.




Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (4)

Chicken or vegetable broth can be a flavorful replacement for white wine. You can even swap it in equal amounts (go for low-sodium broth so your dish doesn't end up too salty). Just keep in mind that broth won’t add any acidity, so you might want to add a touch of white vinegar to achieve a similar tang.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (5)

This pantry staple is a great substitute for white wine because it has similar levels of acidity, not to mention a sweet and tangy flavor. However, using too much can make your dish overly sour and pungent, so dilute it with equal parts water and incorporate it into your dish slowly.

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White Wine Vinegar

Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (6)

When oxidized, the alcohol in white wine converts into acetic acid. This secondary fermentation turns the wine into vinegar, making it an ideal substitute for white wine. Vinegar is considerably more acidic though, so be sure to dilute it with equal parts water before using.



Rice Wine Vinegar

Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (7)

Common in East Asian dishes, rice wine vinegar can be a good alternative to white wine in recipes. It’s sweeter and less acidic than other substitutes, so you may want to add lemon juice or a touch of white vinegar to achieve the desired flavor.



Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (8)

If all else fails, use water! It won't give you any flavor or acidity, but water will give you the necessary liquid to thin a sauce or deglaze a pan. For extra flavor, steep some fresh herbs in warm water, then strain and use the infused water in your recipe.

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Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (9)

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Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes (2024)


Home Cooks, Take Note: These Are the Best White Wine Substitutes? ›

A good substitute for a cup of white wine is a cup of broth or vegetable stock, with a splash of vinegar or lemon juice for acidity. The general rule is to add one tablespoon of vinegar for every cup of broth used. For recipes requiring ¼ cup of white wine or less, it's generally safe to omit the wine altogether.

What can I use instead of white wine cooks illustrated? ›

Dry vermouth, with a shelf life of several months, makes a good substitute for white wine. Measure 1 tablespoon of wine into each well of an ice cube tray and freeze. Use a paring knife to remove each cube, then store in a zipper-lock bag. Add the frozen cubes to sauces as desired.

What is a good alternative to wine? ›

Pomegranate juice, tomato juice, and grape juice are just a few wine alternatives for both drinking and cooking.
  • Wine is a popular alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice. ...
  • Red and White Wine Vinegar. ...
  • Pomegranate Juice. ...
  • Cranberry Juice. ...
  • Ginger Ale. ...
  • Red or White Grape Juice. ...
  • Chicken, Beef or Vegetable Stock.
Nov 22, 2017

What is a substitute for white wine when deglazing? ›

White wine vinegar: This is an ideal substitute for dry white wine, especially when its purpose is to deglaze a pan. Made from white wine, white wine vinegar has many of the same flavor characteristics, minus the alcohol. Lemon juice: This is another good substitute for deglazing.

What is a substitute for white port wine in cooking? ›

In a pinch, however, the test kitchen's suggestion is to substitute port with red wine and sherry with white, adding light brown sugar in increments of ¼ teaspoon until the boozy wine aftertaste is masked by the sweetness of the added sugar.

Can I use prosecco instead of white wine in cooking? ›

If you're out of white wine, sparkling wine is an excellent substitute, as is a lightly coloured rosé. Vermouth is also an option, but only in recipes where you are using a small quantity, otherwise it can overpower the other flavours in the dish.

What is a dry white wine for cooking? ›

There are a myriad of great choices but we tend to favor pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc. These lighter-style wines will bring out the flavor of your dish without overwhelming it. Avoid robust and oaky white wines like chardonnay. Once the food is cooked, the oak-influence may cause your dish to taste bitter.

Is vermouth a substitute for white wine? ›

Dry vermouth can be substituted for white wine in equal ratios. However, some vermouths are infused with somewhat intense botanicals (think spices, roots, and herbs) that can be overpowering in some applications.

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A de-alcoholized wine is, as its name suggests, a wine that has had its alcohol removed. But there are other wine alternatives that don't contain wine — or even grapes — at all. Some use tea, mushrooms, fruit and other ingredients (even adaptogens) to approximate the tannins and other natural flavors of wine.

What to replace a glass of wine with? ›

White wine: If you enjoy the crisp, dryness of a glass of white wine, a simple alternative is a glass of apple or white grape juice. And for fancier occasions, you can sip on alcohol-removed chardonnay from Fre Wines. Another genuine substitute is the non-alcoholic Sauvignon Blanc by Surely.

What to drink instead of chardonnay? ›

Whether viognier, marsanne, roussanne, or grenache blanc, the wines are absolutely stunning. Chardonnay drinkers might find kinship with viognier as its a fuller-bodied wine that can have a creaminess to it from oak aging.

What is the best substitute for white wine? ›

A good substitute for a cup of white wine is a cup of broth or vegetable stock, with a splash of vinegar or lemon juice for acidity. The general rule is to add one tablespoon of vinegar for every cup of broth used. For recipes requiring ¼ cup of white wine or less, it's generally safe to omit the wine altogether.

What can you replace white wine with in risotto? ›

You can use any recipe and just leave out the wine. You can substitute vegetable or chicken stock, or a splash of verjus, or just use the stock. It will still taste fine. f you want to add some extra flavor, toss in a handful of fresh herbs right at the end.

Can I use rice vinegar instead of white wine? ›

Common in East Asian dishes, rice wine vinegar can be a good alternative to white wine in recipes. It's sweeter and less acidic than other substitutes, so you may want to add lemon juice or a touch of white vinegar to achieve the desired flavor.

When a recipe calls for white wine what kind should I use? ›

There are a myriad of great choices but we tend to favor pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc. These lighter-style wines will bring out the flavor of your dish without overwhelming it. Avoid robust and oaky white wines like chardonnay. Once the food is cooked, the oak-influence may cause your dish to taste bitter.

What does white wine do in a recipe? ›

Using wine in place of some or all of the vinegar in classic beurre blanc and Béarnaise sauces will make them less acidic and more complex. Wine also adds depth to and cuts the richness of cream-based sauces. You might even want to try whisking a little white wine into your scrambled eggs or omelet before cooking.

Do you need white wine for cooking? ›

Generally, dry red and white wines are recommended for savory dishes. Whether cooking with red or white wine, avoid oaky wines (like Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay), as these become bitter when cooked. Save sweet wines, such as Sauternes, Moscato or sweet Riesling, for dessert recipes such as poached pears.

Can I use vinegar instead of white wine vinegar? ›

In addition to being an excellent household cleaner, distilled white vinegar can serve as a white wine vinegar replacement. The base ingredient of distilled white vinegar is grain alcohol, so its acidity can seem harsh without the floral, fruity flavors of white wine.

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